About Us
We are an intentionally welcoming congregation of diverse faiths and shared values, fostering spiritual growth, community action, racial equity and universal justice.
Love Notes on February 9th This service will be an assortment of poems and music about love. Do you have a favorite love poem? Please let Mary Jane Aldrich-Moodie (maryjaneam@gmail.com or (508) 693-9438) know if you have a favorite poem that you would like to share at this service. Reply by the end of January.
More service informationWe are an intentionally welcoming congregation of diverse faiths and shared values, fostering spiritual growth, community action, racial equity and universal justice.
Our UU Principles call us to affirm:
Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations;
The goal of a world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part;
Our UUSMV mission calls us to:
Foster community action and universal justice.
See how we live our mission and principles through community and justice actions…
The Chapel is a warm and intimate space for Weddings and other Rites of Passage,
meetings, or other gatherings. It seats up to 110 people. For more information on
renting the chapel, contact the church administrator or contact us here.
We are currently without a settled minister. Rev. Vicki Hanjian is currently providing pastoral care and preaches one Sunday a month. She can be reached at 508-696-8225 or av.hanjian@verizon.net.
We also have three lay pastoral ministers who are available to anyone who needs a caring listener or assistance with Hospice care. They are Jan Casey, Kevin Longval, and Bill Bridwell. To reach our lay pastoral ministers visit our member’s page.