“Ageing to Sageing”
The “Age-ing to Sage-ing” Group creates opportunities for current and potential members of UUSMV, who are largely between the ages of 65 and 85, to learn more about each other, to deepen relationships within our society and to increase the knowledge of its values, purposes, and principles. The focus is to explore what is a new age and stage for many of us.
The Group explores the meaning and stewardship of our particular age and stage in life at monthly meetings. The group uses various methods to insure continuity and growth, including an opening guided meditation, consciousness raising sessions and readings and book discussions focused on topics of interest to members. The group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 2:00-4:00 pm at members’ homes.
Pot Luck Suppers
Pot Luck Suppers are held in the Chapel approximately monthly during the months of September through May. These social events allow our members and friends to gather together informally to get to know each other better, to share a meal, and sometimes to listen to featured speakers or musicians. Guests bring their own culinary creations or prepared items, as well. In an attempt to reduce our paper waste, we request that guests bring their own place settings of dish, silverware, and glass to help our efforts to be more “green.”
Women’s Group
The UUSMV Women’s Group has been meeting for twenty years.
Originally the group met in the church, and today it meets in members’ homes. The group functions mostly as a conversation and support group, listening to each other, bringing to the group and sharing in confidentiality whatever is on members’ minds, including items from the news, personal and community issues, creative endeavors in which members are involved, etc. Sometimes the group engages to provide help for church functions. Occasionally the group will discuss an agreed upon topic and prepares for the discussion ahead of time.
The group is open to all UU women. Its size waxes and wanes; sometimes there are five or six, other times maybe a dozen, but it’s always there for its members, meeting every second and fourth Thursday of the year except on Thanksgiving or when holidays fall on its meeting days.
Men’s Group
The purpose of the UUSMV Men’s Group is to provide an opportunity for men, both members and friends of our congregation, to meet in fellowship. At times our gatherings are strictly recreational, but for the most part, we function as a discussion group and occasionally as a support group.
Our discussions have included immigration policy, affordable housing, the challenges of aging, politics, travel and important issues facing UUSMV. Sessions are mostly held on Saturday mornings in individual’s homes.