Where to go for help:  local resources

As we care for others in our UUSMV community and beyond, we often come across situations where additional assistance is needed; such as housing issues, home health care visits, mental health needs, etc.  The following links offer local, County and State agencies to which one can turn for such assistance.
Vineyard Health Care Access

The MASSResources.org Website: http://www.massresources.org, an online resource for Massachusetts residents in need of basic services, a comprehensive user friendly site for accessing virtually all state-level services.

These are food resources available in addition to the Island Food Pantry:

Serving Hands Food Distribution 
First Baptist Church Parish House, Vineyard Haven 2 pm
Open twelve months a year. Food is distributed the Friday following the 4th Thursday of the month. Clients receive fresh and frozen protein items, fresh produce, and pantry staples. Food is from the Greater Boston Food Bank via federal and state emergency food sources.
Family-to-Family Holiday Basket Distribution: 
For three major holidays, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter/Spring, families in need will receive a nutritious holiday basket which contains: turkey or ham and lots of fresh produce for a complete holiday meal. The basket is given out at the Serving Hands distribution the Friday before the holiday.

Resources to Support Our Local Senior Community

Over the course of our lives, many of us begin to experience mobility limitations, physical impairments and cognitive changes. Other needs arise as well in the midst of global pandemic.

Not every senior has a family member to lean on, which makes it more important for those in the church community to step up in a big way.  Here is a quick list of resources:


Pitch in to ensure the home of a senior who is aging in place is free from hazards.

Common In-Home Injuries for Seniors and How to Prevent Them

11 Low-Cost, DIY Aging in Place Modifications

4 Questions to Ask About Senior Safety At Home

Daily Living:

The activities of daily living (e.g. eating, bathing, and dressing) are challenging without assistance.

5 Tasks Seniors Need Help With the Most

18 Easy and Healthy Meals for Seniors

Protective Face Masks: Resources on Making and Wearing Them

Locating Transportation Services for Seniors

Social Isolation:

Unfortunately, social isolation has been linked to several physical and mental health issues in seniors; here are ways to help prevent this.

Easy Ways to Help Seniors Stay Social

How To Avoid Loneliness And Social Isolation For Seniors

What to Put in a Care Package for Seniors

Tips to Help Seniors Boost Physical and Mental Health During Quarantine

To get help with off Island care facilities