OUR Sunday Sessions
Our children’s religious exploration sessions are at 10:00 AM most Sundays from September through June. (Check the Calendar) We begin in the adult service where the children interact with the congregation and are given the opportunity to participate by “ringing the Chapel bell,” “lighting the chalice,” and “joining in the conversation for all ages,” after which, they are sung-out and head off to their sessions. Our children and youth engage in religious exploration through three programs: Curriculum based sessions on two Sundays per month; Children’s Chapel on one Sunday, and Universal Justice Projects on one Sunday per month.
Curriculum Based Sessions. The UU curricula provide opportunities for children and youth to learn and live the values upon which Unitarian Universalism is based. Through exploration of UU principles, sources, individuals, and rituals, we invite children and adults to bring their separate gifts, stories, ideas, and questions to the whole, experiencing the power of love that transforms a group of like-minded explorers into a community, and helps us to connect, not only with one another, but with all of humanity. Our curriculum-based sessions have less to do with learning “material” in a curriculum, and more to do with the moments of spiritual growth – our sense of wonder, our sense of sacred community, small epiphanies, etc.—the themes that emerged in group discussion.
Children’s Chapel. Each chapel has a theme (often the same theme of the adult service) that is explored with ritual, story, song, movement and action. These Sundays give our children the opportunity to explore the spiritual matters of their lives and the UU service rituals (chalice lighting, candles of joys and concerns, UU source readings, singing). They have opportunities for leading and participating.
Universal Justice Projects. On one Sunday of each month, the children and youth engage in a universal justice project in keeping with our mission of community action and universal justice. They may make Valentine cards for the elderly, biscuits for the animal shelter, or do a beach clean-up. The Universal Justice Projects are multi-age and provide opportunities for children and youth to participate at their developmental level.
If you would like to learn more about the Children and Youth Religious Exploration programs, contact us at uusmvre@gmail.com
Unitarian Universalism is an ethics-based, liberal religion that values the individual spiritual journey and focuses on making the world a better place through deed and service. Historically, Unitarian Universalism stemmed from Christianity and then the union of Unitarianism and Universalism. We have become a non-doctrine, non-denominational religion that believes little bits of truths from most world religions. Our primary focus, however, is on the Seven UU Principles and how to live them every day to create a caring, fair, and loving life.
Each year our program continues to grow with families just like yours! There are many opportunities for involvement ranging from family social activities, service projects, special church events, and volunteer opportunities. Parental involvement is imperative to the success of the children’s religious exploration program. It is the parents and other caring congregational members that become our volunteer teaching staff.
Please contact uusmvre@gmail.com if you have any questions about our Children’s RE program. Otherwise, feel free to download a copy of our registration form and bring it with you next Sunday!