Begin Again in Love

Nearing two years into a global pandemic with stress, fear, pain, and uncertainty impact all of our lives, our mental health is bound to be affected in ways many of us have never experienced before. Join us as we explore the topics of mental health, self-care, and how we as a community of faith Begin Again in Love when we choose to take care of ourselves and each other in new and profound ways grounded in our spiritual practices and theological roots as Unitarian Universalists in the 21st century.

Roddy Biggs is a Queer, BIPOC, Young Adult, Unitarian Universalist, with lived experiences in trauma and mental health challenges who uses he and they pronouns. He writes,  I’m healing, I’m growing; I’m learning to love myself, trying to find my place on this topsy-turvy journey that we call life.  They are a graduate of  Middle Tennessee State University, holding a Bachelors degree in Religious Studies, and are a first-year seminary student at Meadville Lombard Theological as they pursue the Unitarian Universalist ministry.