Neighborhood Convention
Date(s) - 10/03/2017
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
West Tisbury Congregational Church
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The Neighborhood Convention will start this season on Tuesday, October 3, 11:00 am in the West Tisbury Congregational Church. This is an ecumenical group of members and friends of Island houses of worship that has been meeting for over 100 years. It is the custom to have each meeting hosted by a different Island house of worship. After a very short worship service by the host, a program is presented to all. The program for this meeting is “Welcoming the Newer Island Clergy” moderated by Reverend Cathlin Baker. Reverend Charlotte Wright of the Chilmark Community Church, Reverend Susan Eibner of Grace Church, Vineyard Haven, Reverend Leo Christian of the First Baptist Church, Vineyard Haven, and Reverend David Berube of the Federated Church in Edgartown will be speaking.
It is also the custom of this group to share lunch in hopes that we might get to know members of other congregations. Guests are invited to bring a salad or sandwich.